Wednesday 13 June 2012


First of all I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff at RSPB RYE MEADS for helping with my art exhibition and to all the nice people who came along to view my work even though the weather was so awful most of the time! I even managed to sell some paintings and the response I got was very positive and encouraging. Here's to the next one? Whenever that might be? I have to say I found it a bit of a strain and felt quite unwell after picking up a virus a few weeks ago! The doc sent me to the hospital for some blood tests and I await the results? All in all, under the circumstances I think the exhibition was a success?
I even managed to do some sketching and although birding was out of the question, I concentrated on mammals and especialy on the reserve's local fox family. The star of the show is a vixen called 'ALICE' and she was seen most days coming to the visitor centre for sandwiches and peanuts! She has a litter of six cubs and they put on a fantastic display for all the photographers. She is especialy adept at catching rabbits and is a very good mother.
I have included here some other mammals that I saw in Hampshire at a wildlife sanctuary and although not strictly speaking 'wild', I could'nt resist sketching them! Other stuff is from the archive and I thought it worthy of showing? I hope you approve?







The Exhibition and display at Rye Meads.