Tuesday 24 January 2017

BIRDS OF PREY. Top of the food chain!

Peregrine Falcon.
They are fabulous, awesome and deadly! Top of the food chain and masters of their element. No wonder mankind has held them in such high regard and utmost contempt in equal measure for so long! Is there anything more majestic than a Golden Eagle soaring over the Scottish mountains or more awe inspiring than the stoop of a Peregrine Falcon striking at its quarry from a clear blue sky? I have been fortunate enough to witness these events and many more besides and I take every opportunity to sketch, paint and photograph these beautiful creatures wherever and whenever I can. The following studies were captured using both wild and captive birds over the last year or so and I hope I have managed to describe some of their majestic form and sheer beauty in pencil and paint?
Common Buzzard.

Juvenile Marsh Harriers,

Common Buzzard.

Male Sparrowhawk.

Peregrine Falcon.