Friday 24 February 2017


Another March, another stormy spring season and the Brown Hares are chasing each other across the wide expanse of the upper Bean valley! Buzzards and Red Kites are on the wing, mewing, eyes transfixed on the action below. There is a hint of spring in the air and the snowdrops and aconites are bursting forth in the churchyard straining desperately to catch the sun. Winter visitors such as Redwings and Fieldfares are gathering in vast flocks along the hedgerows gleaning the last of the hawes and berries that still cling to gnarled branches. Better hurry! The flail is coming! Ripping its way along the road in a whirl of noise and dust. Far better to forage the freshly exposed earth for worms along with the Partridge and Woodpigeons! In a quieter corner I can hear the skylarks singing? It reminds me of things to come and gives me heart.